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Voting Early Matters!


Did you know that voting early matters?



"Here is one other fun early stat - super Dems are voting on Day 1 people! This chart shows how what we call 'Prime Dems' and what TargetEarly calls 'Super Dems' - those who vote the most - are voting so far.

Remember all these Super Dems are now off the GOTV rolls in these states allowing the campaigns to already begin targeting lower propensity voters which will create more Dems and drive up our overall turnout - the goal of our Vote on Day 1 strategy.


It is important that everyone reading this commit to Vote on Day 1 when early voting begins in your state. This is another way to help us win this year.


**Voting early takes you off the GOTV rolls in your state, allowing our campaigns to move on and start targeting lower propensity voters earlier, which will increase turnout. This is what we’ve been doing in our Winning The House Thursdays series - calling and postcarding Super Dems and asking them to vote early, Vote on Day 1. We need to keep spreading the word throughout networks on how voting early, on Day 1, is another way to help us win."

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